Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Day In Our Home...

I'm not going to lie.  Most days I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water.  If I don't work, me and my babies usually stay in our pajamas all day! It's just easier right?  Motherhood is not for the weak, but I seriously love it.  I try to teach them, but really they are teaching me patience, unconditional love, and to slow down.

This was our day, last Wednesday.  I try to work at the salon Wednesday, Thursday's and some Saturdays.  I usually start at noon, but for this client she needed to get in at 11am, so I agreed.  The night before Crew of course decides he didn't need to sleep.  It was well after 11pm when he finally went down.  It was close to 2am when he decided to come into our bed.  I can't even imagine a whole night's sleep with no interruptions.  I get chills thinking about it.  Kade still wakes up at least twice a night for food.  Showering is a luxury, and since I was going to be around my clients thought I better shower!  I set my alarm for 6:30am so I could take a quick shower while Jason was still home.  After my shower they were both sleeping so of course instead of using my time wisely, I just snuggle back in bed with them for an hour until Kade decided it was time for his breakfast.  So I feed him, change his diaper and clothes and get him ready for the day!  Crew is still sleeping, which I like to think of it as a small miracle.  I was able to dry my hair, do my make up and get dressed.  I even packed the diaper bag, and started loading stuff in our car.  My goal was to leave our house at 10:30am so I could drop my boys off at Auntie B's house.  Crew finally woke up at 10:16am!! I had to get him dressed so fast, and tell him he was going to play with his cousins!! We made it out the door in time!  I thought he looked pretty dang cute that day too!

So I drop my boys off at Auntie B's house, with no breakfast of course.  However I did leave her with a bag of bran muffins I had made earlier that week, and a banana.  I finally get to the salon, and it's a good fun day.  I had really fun clients, and I love what I do.  I love my mommy break, but I always wonder how my boys are being for Auntie B.  For those of you who really don't know my boys, they are hard.  Adorable, but hard.  It's that or I am just not very good at this Mom thing, I think mostly because I have two babies.  15 months apart.  They both just require so much attention still.  When my boys have their bad days for Auntie B I feel horrible, we don't pay her enough money to deal with that, and being their Mom I feel like I should be home where no else has to deal with it.  Jason gets off work at 4pm and he comes to the salon to switch vehicles so that he can go pick up the boys and go home.  That's pretty normal right?  We have one good car and one free crap car.  When I say crap, it's a 91 Mazda hatchback.  My brother Toph gave it to us for $1, which we still haven't paid him yet.  Anyhow, Jason comes and switches cars and picks up the boys and heads home.  I worked until about 7:30pm.  Jason had a young men's presidency meeting at 7pm.  So Jason had to drop Crew off at Auntie Tiffany's house up the street on the way to his meeting, and he just took Kade with him.  So on my way home from the salon I had to stop at the church, interrupt their meeting, grab Kade, switch cars again and head to Tiffany's house.  The second I put Kade in his car seat he starts screaming.  I left him in the car for two minutes while I picked up Crew.  Kade continues to cry the entire way home, thank goodness it's only a few blocks, but their is nothing worse than riding in a car with a screaming baby.  I get home and I am unloading both boys, then Crew falls down and bumps his head, so he starts crying, meanwhile Kade is still crying.  I open the gate to come in the backyard and my in-laws German Shepherd, Berlin, wants to play, and with Crew already upset, he wants nothing to do with her.  So I'm trying to kick off this huge dog, and carry in two crying babies.  I get in my house and make a bottle so fast for Kade and that makes him happy.  I distracted Crew with a toy, and then I was so focused on Kade that the next time I looked up Crew had climbed up the bar stools, and onto our kitchen counter, and opened the cupboard to help himself for a treat!  It's like we never feed our child.

 Yep, he climbed on my counter to get a dumb dumb sucker!

This is the mess he created trying to get onto the counter.

We always joke around saying, "It's a good year to fall and crack your head open, we've already met our deductible!" But we don't really mean it.  Now that he climbs on our kitchen counter frequently it's kinda freaking me out!  

Kade finishes his bottle, so I decide that I should bathe them.  I didn't dare leave Crew alone so I locked us all in the bathroom to bathe them.  I have to do separate baths because I just do a tiny bit of water for Kade.  I had just finished Kade's bath, so I stripped Crew down and put him in the tub with us, just then Jason walks in which I was so excited because I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do next!  Jason is extremely hands on dad, so he just busts a move and helps me finish bath time.  Our house literally looked like a tornado had come through it.  With us both gone all day, it was horrible.  Jason was trying to clean up once they were in bed, and he was stepping on bath tub toys, tripping over toys, we both just started laughing at our situation.  We're both too exhausted to really care at this point. It's all we can do is laugh, it beats crying about it.  The kids finally fall asleep and Jason and I have our night time ritual cold cereal before bed, then off to bed to do pretty much the same thing the next day. We keep telling ourselves it will get better... and we really hope so!

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